Red Hat Container Adoption Boot Camp for Developers (DO720) – Zarys informacji

Szczegółowy program szkolenia

Introduction to container technology
  • Describe how software can run in containers orchestrated by OpenShift Container Platform.
Create containerized services
  • Provision a service using container technology.
Manage containers
  • Modify prebuilt container images to create and manage containerized services.
Manage container images
  • Manage the life cycle of a container image from creation to deletion.
Create custom container images
  • Design and code a Dockerfile to build a custom container image.
Deploy containerized applications
  • Deploy applications on OpenShift Container Platform.
Deploy multi-container applications
  • Deploy applications that are containerized using multiple container images.
Troubleshoot containerized applications
  • Troubleshoot a containerized application deployed on OpenShift.
Deploy and manage applications on an OpenShift cluster
  • Deploy applications using various application packaging methods to an OpenShift cluster and manage their resources.
Design containerized applications for OpenShift
  • Select a containerization method for an application and create a container to run on an OpenShift cluster.
Publish enterprise container images
  • Create an enterprise registry and publish container images to it.
Build applications
  • Describe the OpenShift build process, build triggers, and manage builds.
Create applications from OpenShift templates
  • Describe the elements of a template and create a multi-container application template.
Manage application deployments
  • Monitor application health and implement various deployment methods for cloud-native applications.
Implement continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines in OpenShift
  • Create and deploy Jenkins pipelines to facilitate continuous integration and deployment with OpenShift.
Describe microservice architectures
  • Describe components and patterns of microservice-based application architectures.
Implement a microservice with Quarkus
  • Deploy Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh on OpenShift Container Platform.
Test microservices
  • Implement unit and integration tests for microservices.
Deploy microservice-based applications
  • Deploy Quarkus microservice applications to an OpenShift cluster.
Build microservice applications with Quarkus
  • Build a persistent and configurable distributed quarkus microservices application.
Test microservices
  • Implement unit and integration tests for microservices.
Secure microservices
  • Secure a microservice using OAuth.
Monitor microservices
  • Monitor the operation of a microservice using metrics, distributed tracing, and log aggregation.
Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh
  • Describe the basic concepts of microservice architecture and OpenShift Service Mesh.
Observe a service mesh
  • Trace and visualize an OpenShift Service Mesh with Jaeger and Kiali.
Control service traffic
  • Manage and route traffic with OpenShift Service Mesh
Release applications with OpenShift Service Mesh
  • Release applications with canary and mirroring release strategies.
Test service resilience with chaos testing
  • Test the resiliency of an OpenShift Service Mesh with chaos testing.
Build resilient services
  • Use OpenShift Service Mesh strategies to create resilient services.
Secure an OpenShift Service Mesh
  • Secure and encrypt services in your application with OpenShift Service Mesh.