Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration (RH403) – Zarys informacji

Szczegółowy program szkolenia

Red Hat Satellite 6 installation

Install Red Hat Satellite 6 on a server and populate it with Red Hat Enterprise Linux software content.

Manage users and hosts across organizations and locations

Effectively control user access for Red Hat Satellite administration.

Red Hat Satellite client registration

Register hosts to a Red Hat Satellite server, both interactively and automatically.

Manage software deployment through the software development life cycle

Control which packages hosts can install and which updates are propagated to hosts and evaluate host deviations from corporate standards.

Build RPM packages

Create RPM packages for deployment of programs and files on client systems.

Deploy custom software using Red Hat Satellite

Incorporate non-Red Hat software packages into a Red Hat Satellite framework.

Manage system configurations with Puppet

Create and populate a Puppet repository within a Red Hat Satellite framework.

Standardize system configurations with Red Hat Satellite 6

Configure hosts using Puppet.

Deploy hosts with Satellite server

Deploy and provision hosts using PXE.

Configuration of Satellite server for enterprise system deployment

Configure host provisioning for integration with software and configuration management and discover unprovisioned host and provision-discovered hosts.