Wydarzenia i promocje

Architecting on AWS (AWSA) - promocja na koniec lata!!!

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Advanced Architecting on AWS (AWSAA) - promocja na koniec lata!!!

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Architecting on AWS (AWSA) oraz Developing on AWS (AWSD) - wiosenna promocja!!!

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Running Containers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (RCAEKS) - wiosenna promocja!!!

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Machine Learning Pipeline on AWS (ML-PIPE) - spring promotion!!!

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Fast Lane and Nedamco Africa join forces to upskill African youth for a brighter future

New strategic partnership

Advanced Architecting on AWS (AWSAA) - promocja na lato!!!

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Security Engineering on AWS (AWSSO) - wiosenna promocja!!!

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Advanced Architecting on AWS (AWSAA) - już w czerwcu 2022

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Webinar Mechanizmy bezpieczeństwa w Microsoft 365 i Azure

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Dlaczego warto zostać AWS Partner Network (APN)?


Fast Lane Resources

Fast Lane Resources

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